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the brow fixx


Microblade Brow Tattoo Pen


Get natural and defined looking brows with The Brow Fixx Microblade Brow Pen. The pen has a comb tip for smooth application and creates a natural looking, hair like effect.  The formula is long lasting, waterproof, does not smudge and mimics the look of microblading.

The Brow Fixx Microblade Brow Pen comes in four shades : Light Brown, Dark Brown, Dark Gray, and Black.


  • Natural & defined looking brows
  • Microbladed effect without the commitment
  • Long lasting
  • Precise comb tip for smooth application
  • Waterproof, smudge resistant, does not transfer

- +

Frequently Bought Together

Price for both: $23.40

Customer Reviews

Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews
Write a review
Such High Hopes - Disappointed

I was very disappointed in the gray brow pen. I've used other pens that have worked fine; however, when reading the reviews, I felt confident the pen would be very good, and purchased 2 pens. Unfortunately, I was incorrect. The pen strokes aren't sharp, it's extremely light, and it wears poorly. I would not recommend these pens. The less expensive off brands are much better.

Precision application

Love that I can apply strokes in a defined and precise manner. However, at times the pen tends to collect product on the end which prevents even distribution or no product being released from the pen.

Pam L
Tattoo pen

Works as advertised. Would purchase again.

Roberta Beyer
Easy and quick

I like that I can define the areas that are quite sparse of hair. I use this along with the Fixx Brow

Works better then most name brands

This works better than some well-known brand names I've used and the color works perfectly for my brows.



The Brow Fixx Microblade Brow Pen comes in four shades : Light Brown, Dark Brown, Black and Gray.

Additional information

Weight 1.50 oz
Dimensions 10 × 6 × .5 in
Select Color

Light Brown, Dark Brown, Gray, Black


Aqua, Propylene Glycol, Acrylates, Pheno Xyaethanolum, Sodium Styrene, Copolymer, Glycerin, Red Iron Oxide, CI 77491, Pigment Yellow 42, CI 77492, Pigment Brown 7, CI 77499, Pigment Yellow 100, CI 19140

Create Natural Looking Brows Effortlessly


The Microblade Brow Pen is super easy to use and will make your makeup routine 100 times easier! The long wear and natural finish makes it perfect for filling in those small areas where hairs are more sparse. This product truly mimics brow hair. Just stroke in the direction your eyebrows grow and it looks as natural as it gets!



Start with clean, brushed brows.


Place the comb tip applicator at the base of your brow and brush upward.  Continue same application technique throughout entire brow, until desired result is achieved.  Repeat on other side.


Let dry for 30 seconds before applying any other products to your brows.


Because our product is waterproof, some cleansers will not remove the brow pen entirely.  After washing your face, simply use coconut oil, or any oil of your choice to remove any excess product left behind.

*For external use only. Avoid contact with eyes. Please store in cool environment and keep out of reach of children. Keep the cap tight and store it upright to prevent Microblade Brow Pen from drying.

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