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Consumer guides created just for you

With scientific insight from EWG experts, we developed the world’s first online database to score tens of thousands of personal care products for human health and safety. Since then, we’ve launched consumer guides that score cleaning products, food and drinking water and give advice on home products, all with the goal of empowering you to live a healthier life in a healthier environment.

Whether you’re interested in learning more about water safety in your zip code or toxic chemicals in your cleaning products, we’ve got you covered.

All Consumer Guides

Areas of Focus

Displaying 1 - 24 of 40

Tap Water Database

If you've ever wondered what's actually in your tap water, we have answers. Our Tap Water Database provides insight into pollutants in local water resources.

Guide to Solar Energy

Our reliance on fossil fuels has had devastating consequences on our environment and human health. The coal, gas and oil we burn to generate electricity emits hundreds of toxic pollutants into the air...

Food Scores

When you think about healthy food, you have to think beyond the Nutrition Facts panel.

Skin Deep®

Since 2004, EWG's Skin Deep® cosmetic database has helped people protect themselves from potentially toxic chemicals in personal care and beauty products.

Decoding Meat and Dairy Product Labels

Most animals raised for meat, milk and eggs are on industrial farms that contaminate our air, soil and water. These farms rely heavily on antibiotics and other synthetic treatments to boost outputs...

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Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen lists are here! Get your FREE digital copy now.
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