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10 Best Microneedling Pens + Buying Guide

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As you can see, there are several brands on the market offering various kinds of microneedling pens. However, some are better than others when it comes to quality, durability, and effectiveness.

Want to treat your skin at home with this facial but are confused about choosing the best microneedling pen?

That’s why we’ve created this guide for you to help you find the best device for your skin type and concern.

The cost per session is somewhere between $200 to $800, which is quite a lot. This is why we have brought this guide, which features some of the best Dermapens for home use.

The devices are so professional – professionals and estheticians can use them without second thoughts.

Readers like you help keep The Beautyholic running. When you buy through links on our blog, as an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you.

Top 3 Picks for the Best at-home Microneedling Devices

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What is the best Microneedling Pen on the market in 2022?

Let’s dive into these top-rated devices available online.

#1. Dr. Pen M8 (Best Cosmetic Microneedling Pen)

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  • Ideal for face and neck for scars, fine lines, and wrinkles.
  • Digital LED screen for speed display
  • Exclusive 16-pin cartridges
  • Safe and hygienic to use and comfortable.
  • Can be used wireless and with a cord.

According to the reviews…

You’ll love it because it is probably the best dermapen for a beauty regimen that involves using it on the face and neck, and you won’t mind paying extra for this. You will need different depths on different parts of the face – the forehead doesn’t need you to go deeper than the rest of your face.

It is easy to hold, sturdy, and the RPM is 1000 to 16000, making it well functional. The battery lasts around 4 hours.

It comes with two 16-pin needles that aren’t slippery like others (you get 12 needles when you purchase it from the official Dr. Pen site). Since the needles are thin and closely fit the skin surface, it is not recommended to go deeper than .5.

You can adjust the pin length between 0.25 mm to 2.5 mm maximum, and it’s better to start low and work your way up.

Since it may hurt a little, you can apply a numbing cream before using this dermapen.

Dr. Pen M8 is a favorite and professional microneedling pen because it works effectively on wrinkles, scarring fine lines, crow feet, and sagging thin lips.

Best for: Face and neck for scars, fine lines, and wrinkles

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  • User-friendly and effective.
  • Has 6-speed levels with LED display
  • Can be used with cord and cordless
  • Adjustable needle sizes
  • Since it’s a new launch, you might not easily get the 16-pin cartridges

#2. THAPPINK Microneedling Pen (Pocket Friendly)

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  • Can be operated as both wireless and wired.
  • LED light therapy
  • Comes with adjustable cartridges.
  • Uses batteries

According to the reviews…

This is a handheld skincare device that is cordless. The kit comes with 20 pieces of cartridges, 10 12-pin and 10 36-pin.

Four different colors provide light therapy. The red light activates collagen and improves circulation, green light calms and balances the skin tone, blue light is bactericidal and anti-acne while yellow light reduces redness and stimulates lymphatic circulation.

The THAPPINK microneedling pen is the ultimate in skincare, as it provides you with six different speeds to suit your needs. You can easily adjust this device by pressing down its power button for just a moment!

The pen punctures holes quickly and therefore it doesn’t hurt as much as it would using another device.

The rotary dial has a non-slip design, which makes it extremely easy to use. For hair growth, use a 1.5mm setting once a week on the scalp.

It is equipped with a rechargeable lithium battery and can be used both corded and wirelessly. Press the power button when the battery is low to start charging.

It is a perfect, budget-friendly dermapen compared to other ones that saves you time and money spent in the clinics, and you can do it at the comfort of your home.

Best for: Improving skin texture, aging spots and saggy skin.

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  • Budget-friendly
  • Uses LED light therapy
  • Has an adjustable dial for in-depth performance.
  • The needles penetrate faster, so there is less pain involved.
  • The packaging can feel slippery when used for a long time.

#3. Dr. Pen Ultima A6 (Professional Model for Estheticians)

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  • Comes with a total of 24 cartridges – ten 36-pin, ten nano-pin, and four 12-pin.
  • Needles are completely sterilized.
  • Uses rechargeable batteries.
  • Can be used as both a wireless and a wired device.

According to the reviews…

This variant of Dr. Pen Ultima A6 is an all-in-one microneedling kit, and it is the best dermapen for estheticians and home.

It comes with 24 cartridges, of which ten are 36-pin, ten are nano, and four are 12-pin, which leaves you free from all the worries. It has nanotips, which provide smooth and glowing skin. The cartridges are Certified Sterile by the ETO sterilization process.

Busy aestheticians and spa technicians use this kit as it contains most of Dr. Pen’s cartridges. If you’re tired of shelling out money for these sessions and want an at-home experience, go for this one. With so many varieties of cartridges, you can experiment.

After a few weeks of the treatment, it gives a BB-cream-like appearance to the skin. Moreover, it repairs and rejuvenates the skin like no other.

This derma pen comes with disposable cartridges that can work on acne pit, wrinkles, hair problems, etc. It comes with two rechargeable batteries. This microneedling device is multi-functional and can also be used as a wireless device.

Best for: Professionals and skin enthusiasts for treating almost all skin issues within the scope of microneedling treatment.

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  • It is easy to use.
  • Multifunctional – wireless or wired.
  • Value for money pack
  • It is versatile and multi-functional.
  • Can be noisy at times.

#4. Angel Kiss Derma Auto Pen

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  • It is made of high-quality material.
  • It is affordable.
  • Adjustable microneedles
  • Easy to use and operate.
  • Comes with five pieces 12-pin cartridges – 0.25mm, 0.3mm

According to the reviews…

Angel Kiss is one of the best dermapens for home use because it gives you better skin and exfoliates it. You can use it safely on the face and other parts of the body. If you need a change from Dr. Pen, you can go for this brand.

It comes with sealed cartridges that are easily disposable. This device is fully automatic, and it also comes with adjustable needles. You can easily adjust the depth of the needle to provide a fully customized experience.

This wireless device is effortless to use as it does not require any technical skills. The pen’s speed can also be adjusted to up to 5 settings and comes with two lithium rechargeable batteries. Since the needles of this microneedling device are embedded deep inside, they are very hygienic to use.

It treats wrinkles, frown lines, crow’s feet, acne scars, and age spots effectively. Angel Kiss Derma pen can easily deal with active acne, smile lines, sagging, and neck bends.

Although it takes a few days to show visible results, it’s worth it because you get a toned, taut, and even-looking skin.

Best for: Evening out skin tone and getting rid of aging signs on the skin

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  • It is completely user-friendly.
  • It is highly economical and can be adjusted as per the requirements of the user.
  • Great results with a few days of usage.
  • You will need 2 to 3 applications before getting noticeable results.

#5. MOOKARDILANE Professional K7 Wireless

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  • Comes with two tips
  • Use it for scars, fine lines, wrinkles, and stretch marks
  • Wireless
  • Length knob allows the pin length to be adjusted freely

According to the reviews…

This device is the latest release by MOOKARDILANE and it is one of the most advanced devices on the market. We are so impressed with MOOKARDILANE Professional K7 Wireless Dermapen’s design and functionality! The device is designed to be more comfortable than other devices, and it has a sleek design.

One of the best things about this device is how quickly and easily it charges. Besides that, it is wireless.

This device is lightweight and easy to carry around. The 5-speed settings give you the perfect amount of control to get the desired results. However, you can’t see what level you’ve set your device.

It has very few functions. There are others that let you adjust the color of the light that’s emitted on the skin when it’s treating your skin. This lacks any lights at all.

It is a great option for someone who is looking for a simple, no-frills derma pen. It is like the best gift you could ever give someone who enjoys at-home skin treatments but also happens to be affordable.

Best for: Acne scars, enlarged pores and dark spots




  • User-friendly
  • Ergonomically built with a length-adjusting knob
  • Wireless
  • Charges fast
  • Hard-to-get refill cartridges

#6. Koi Beauty Derma Auto Pen

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  • You can use both wireless and cord.
  • Beautifies the skin in a gentle way
  • Easy to use and operate.
  • Comes with rechargeable batteries.

According to the reviews…

Koi Beauty Dermapen comes in an aluminum box, which adds a touch of elegance to it. There are four needle heads, and the needle has a customizable depth speed.

It smooths out the skin texture and makes it appear smooth. This effective at-home microneedling kit assists in the exfoliation of the skin, which removes dead skin cells and promotes the appearance of rejuvenated and fresh skin.

It is easy to keep clean and comfortable to travel with. The needle lengths are adjustable, and it also comes with disposable cartridges.

Best for: Comfort, getting rid of dead skin and beautifying

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  • It exfoliates the skin
  • The speed levels are highly adjustable
  • It is a bit pricier than other dermapens but worth it

#7. Hydra Pen H2 Professional (Most Innovative)

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  • Formulated with innovative technology that penetrates essence into the skin.
  • Boosts collagen, reduces wrinkles, acne scars, stretch marks, and solves all other skin issues.
  • Does not have any side effects or potential risks.
  • Offers a risk-free money-back guarantee

According to the reviews…

You can say, this device is an upgraded version of Dr. Pen’s device. It is wireless, has a lightweight design, and an LED display of speed. However, there are only 4-speed levels.

You get three pieces of 12 Pins and two pieces of round nano cartridges.

Using this pen before the skincare routine makes the absorption of your skincare products better. It lets you add the serum/essence to the cartridges, so they absorb well.

This device evens out the skin, boosts your natural texture, and also clears skin tone. This easy-to-use at-home microneedling device helps in treating large pores as well.

Best for: enhancing the absorption of skincare products, those who like innovation

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  • Comfortable to use.
  • Wireless operation
  • Automatic application, safe and hygienic to use.
  • Provides results with efficacy.
  • Has only four levels of speed

#8. Dr. Pen Ultima A7 (Most Powerful Pen)

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  • Fine 12-pin needles for easy penetration
  • Built-in bayonet to tightly lock the needle with the device
  • Bi-directional speed regulator
  • Comes with a sanitary cover for needle tips
  • Anti-skid, classy design

According to the reviews…

We think it is the most luxurious device Dr. Pen has ever made! An upgrade to Ultima A6, the Ultima A7 has a gorgeous metal body with a long power cord. The model is corded, so the consistent power allows the pen to support a strong motor than the wireless ones. The operation switch is quite durable.

This model comes with 5 cartridges – 12-pin and 36-pin. Needles are thinner, so you can barely feel them (unless you are hypersensitive). They go in and out instead of just vibrating. After using, you will feel the area warm, almost like a sunburn.

The device shows incredible results on fading age spots, acne scarring, and forehead lines.

Best for: Acne scars, wrinkles, fine lines and uneven skin tone

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  • Durable, ergonomic body
  • Variety of individually sealed and sterilized needle cartridges
  • Less pain
  • Cord ensures the same power throughout the session
  • Value for money
  • Slightly expensive

Which needle cartridges should I go for?

9 pins Acne pit/marks/scars, stretch marks, obesity
12 pins Acne pit, acne marks, deep spot
24 pins Blemishes, under-eye bags and crow’s feet
36 pins Blemishes, hydration, under-eye bags and crow’s feet
42 pins Skin tightening, rejuvenation, under-eye bags,  crow’s feet
Nano Uneven skin tone, fine lines, sun spots, acne scars

What should be the needle length for different skin issues?

Note: Do not use a needle depth of more than 1.5 mm at home. If your skin needs longer needles, consider going to a dermatologist.

Skin Issue Needle length
Deep acne scars 1.5 mm
Flat acne scars 1 mm
Skin discoloration 0.2-1.0 mm
Wrinkles 0.5-1.5 mm
Sagging skin 0.5-1.5 mm







How Does a Microneedling Pen Work?

A microneedling pen will have a small needle on the end of it. The size of this needle will vary depending on the desired effect, but it will be between 0.25mm and 3mm long.

The device will work by crossing its needles into your skin at different depths, and lengths to create controlled injuries in your skin that stimulate collagen production below the surface.

Many people use this treatment as an alternative to more invasive surgeries or procedures, such as facelifts or chemical peels. It is also used as part of a more comprehensive skincare regimen to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, acne scars, stretch marks and other skin conditions.

Why Should You Use a Microneedling Pen?

They can help treat several skin and hair issues with several tiny needles that prick your skin, all at the same time.

The process might sound scary, but once you do it, you will instantly realize that this is probably the best thing that has ever happened to your skin.

  • Microneedling has several benefits for skin and hair. It is effective in reducing the appearance of scars. People who suffer from deep-rooted scars found this therapy helpful as they saw a massive improvement in their scars. This is why you should choose the best Dermapen for home use from all the tons of options available out there.
  • Works on sunspots by reversing the damage caused by the sun rays.
  • Fighting pigmentation, dark spots, discoloration, and melasma.
  • Mature skin can benefit from the procedure as it corrects and smoothens damaged skin and prevent sagging.
  • The best microneedle derma pen improves your skincare game. If you do a session before applying any skin products, then it will enable the products to absorb better into your skin.
  • You can use these pens all over the body to treat skin issues. However, the only catch is that different parts of the body require different sizes of needles.

Microneedling Pen Buying Guide

There is numerous information on how you should use a dermapen and how frequently. But what no one tells you is what you should consider when you are going to buy the best device for yourself.

With so many models and needle sizes out there, it might get confusing.  So here we bring you a definite buyer’s guide, which will help you choose the best one. Let’s begin:

Ability and Purpose

Before you hit the market, always keep in mind the purpose of your buy.

Are you purchasing it for cosmetic purposes or do you want to target a specific skin issue like dull skin? No matter how old you are, you can receive benefits from this treatment if you select the correct device.


The quality of the pen should be top-notch. The quality, however, depends on the construction and material. So select a device that is sturdy and durable and also look for the built of it. Abstain from flimsy devices available on unreputed websites and instead, choose devices from Amazon or Dr. Pen’s official site.


Look for something which is easy to use and fits comfortably in your hands. Do not go for a bulky and heavy product. Also, look for its usability. It should be perfect for both home and professional use.


Before you buy your ideal device, choose something easy to operate without several complicated methods. Look whether it runs on battery or electricity. Also, look at whether the needle height and speed are adjustable or not.


Whatever device you are looking for, it should be easy to store. They always come with cases in which they should be stored. But you should also determine whether you should store it in a warm or cold place or an airy or dry place. You should also look at the safety instructions and keep them away from children.

Side Effects

There are specific common side effects of microneedling, which include redness and swelling. However, you should always look for potential side effects. The side effects are not always easy to determine. But you should look for symptoms such as inflammation or irritation. A slight tingling sensation is also normal, but it should not burn your skin. Any possibility from outside the normal sphere is an area of concern.


Customer reviews are critical if you are buying a microneedling device online. These devices will enable you to choose the best pen for yourself. Customers who review these online sites place their unbiased and honest reviews, which will help your selection process. Buy products that have the maximum number of positive reviews. Also, some customers provide pictures of the products. Go through them to determine whether your product is genuine or not.

When Not to Use It?

These devices are great when you want to beautify yourself or boost your collagen or achieve skin rejuvenation. However, there are certain times when you should avoid using it.

  • The first thing to keep in mind is that you should never do more than one session a day. It can irritate your skin and increase the risk of infection.
  • Never use it over your eyelids, as this can cause bleeding.
  • Do not use the pen when you have active acne or breakouts on your skin. This will spread the acne bacteria all over your skin and cause more breakouts.
  • If you have any severe skin condition or health conditions, you should consult your doctor before undergoing any such process.
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid undergoing this procedure.

Mistakes To Avoid While Buying

In confusion and desperation, you often end up buying a bad device. It either does not serve the purpose or is not durable and does not stick around for long.

Here are some mistakes you should avoid before you buy a professional microneedling derma pen:

  • The needle’s size should not be too small as it would not fulfill the purpose of boosting collagen in your skin. It should not be too big either to hurt and damage your skin. The size should be right to serve the purpose.
  • The needles should be of high quality and should not break easily. The cheap ones are generally flimsy and not durable. Also, they should arrive clean and fully sterilized. They should come in a proper box with a seal to intend never to open or use it.
  • Research about your Dermapen and look for genuine FDA labels. Several brands sell fake products with fake FDA labels to avoid falling for them.
  • Always purchase from a good brand. A trusted brand will give you high-quality products and will also enhance the satisfaction of its use. Look for customer reviews while buying online to ensure that the product you are buying is worth it.

How To Use a Microneedling Pen at Home?

An expert generally performs professional treatment, but there are plenty of devices that you can use at home. A micro-needling pen at home is not only cost-effective but also useful.

There are several needles for several purposes, and you need to choose the right size to get the best results. So here are some tips on how you should use a micro-needling device.

#1 Select an appropriate device

Before you begin the process, you need to pick out a device that is best suited for your needs. There are plenty of devices out there in the market, and the derma pens are the most affordable ones. You can use it anywhere on your face and body.

#2 Determine the needle size

Once you have determined your best dermapen for home use device, it is now time to select the needle size. Every purpose requires a different needle size, so it is essential to know your purpose beforehand.

Needles for microneedling range from 0.25mm to 3mm, depending on what you are targeting to treat. 0.25mm to 1mm needles are used to treat wrinkles and fine lines proving to be effective for anti-aging. Needles for treating acne scars require 1.5mm. So, determine your specific concerns or ask a dermatologist for help.

#3 Be careful with the instructions

These instructions provide a lot of information on how you should use the device. There are also detailed instructions regarding the storage and cleanliness of it.

Every product is different, so you might want to read the instructions before you begin to work with your device. Depending on the type of device you choose, it might require some minor assembly procedures as well.

#4 Sanitize your device before you use it

Before you begin the whole process, you need to sanitize your device. This will ensure that your device is all clean and free from any germs or bacteria.

Take a bowl and take some rubbing alcohol in it. Immerse the needles into the bowl and leave it for about 2 minutes. Take it out, and it is ready for use.

#5 Start with a clean face

The effective results of any treatment lie at the beginning with a clean canvas. The process is the same for microneedling as well. Remove any makeup from your face and double cleanse your face for the best results. Use a gentle cleanser. This will get rid of all the dirt and grime from your face. Pat dry after cleansing.

#6 Divide your face into sections

After everything is ready, visually divide your face into six sections approximately. The sections should be small and precise. This will ease up your procedure and will also enable you to cover your entire face effectively.

You can also repeat the same procedure for your neck and chest as well if required. Just remember to use it on your upper chest. Do not go beyond that.

#7 Use the roller in all directions

Once you have sectioned, your face begins by using the pen on your face. Pull your skin tight with one hand and use the device with the other. Go in individual sections and use it in every direction. Do not rub the pen too many times in a section. Use the dermapen over each section about ten times and not more than that.

#8 Apply minimum pressure

Do not use too much pressure while working with derma rollers. Be light and gentle. You do not want to hurt yourself while doing this treatment. It is normal to feel a little pain initially, but it will subside a little later. You can also apply a numbing cream 30 to 40 minutes before a microneedling session. Your skin should feel the pressure but not too much to cause bleeding.

#9 Lift your roller while changing directions

Once you are done with one direction, it is essential to lift your roller and then begin in another direction entirely. Do not change positions or drag the roller from one direction to another while the roller is still in contact with your skin. This might result in tearing off your skin’s dermis layer, causing damage to the skin barrier.

#10 Post-treatment care

Once you are done with your treatment session, avoid washing your face for six to eight hours. It is normal to have red skin post-treatment. So allow your skin to rest and breathe before applying anything to it. Also, avoid wearing makeup for 24 hours. Be sure to keep your skin protected from the sun and wear sunblock if you need to go out in the sun.

#11 Sanitize your device

Post your treatment wash your needles in warm water, and disinfect it. For this again, take some rubbing alcohol in a bowl and immerse your roller for a few minutes. It is essential to keep your it sanitary and clean. This will remove any bacteria that it might have picked up from your skin.

#12 Keep the device back in the case

After you have disinfected and sanitized your device, put it back in its original case. This will keep the device clean and will also ensure the safety of your needles. The needles might break or get damaged when left in the open. It might also get in touch with bacteria from the air.

Before and After Care

Due to its increasing popularity and low cost, people are enthusiastic about using these pens on their skin.

Since this procedure provides so many benefits, people are buying to use at home. But every treatment has a procedure, and there are pre and post-care.

Therefore, we will share some precautions and preparations before and after using a microneedling pen, guaranteeing proper recovery and eliminating the risk of any infection and complications.

Before Usage

  • It is essential first to choose the right device. There are several options available, and they all range from different price points.
  • There are also several needle sizes, which all serve a different purpose. You always need to find a needle to suit your goal while selecting a micro-needling pen at home.
  • Once you have selected your device, clean your face, and remove any makeup traces to begin the procedure. This will avoid any chance of infection.
  • Avoid using it if you have active acne on your face. Doing this will increase your inflammation and spread the acne bacteria over your face, causing more breakouts.
  • Before you begin the procedure with your pen, research the procedure thoroughly. Every device has a different procedure. So read the instruction that comes with your device. It will give you an idea of how to use the pen.
  • Do not use any products or skincare before the session. If any need occurs, you might use a numbing cream to subside the tingling sensation, which is often caused by microneedling.

After Using

  • Don’t wash your face for at least 24-48 hours. After this period, use a gentle cleanser to wash your face, and always remember to wash your hands before touching your face. Let your skin air dry. Avoid rubbing or pulling your skin.
  • After the specified amount of time, use serums, which will soothe and heal your skin. Use Hyaluronic acid or ceramides in your moisturizers or creams as it will restore the balance of your skin and hydrate your skin. Also, make sure to consume plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated and heal your skin.
  • Microneedling session boosts the collagen production in your skin. So taking collagen supplements during this time can double the benefits.
  • Make sure to use sun protection after the session. This is very important because microneedling can make your skin sensitive to the sun. At this time, your skin is more prone to get damaged by the harmful rays of the sun. To stay protected, use sunscreen with a broad spectrum of at least 50 SPF so that all your efforts are not wasted.
  • Allow your skin to breathe and heal. Avoid using physical and chemical exfoliators. Also, do not use toners that contain alcohol. This can damage the skin barrier, which is already vulnerable. Also, avoid using makeup for at least a week after the session.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Does it hurt?

The hurting factor depends entirely on the size of the needles of your microneedling device. The dermapens available at home to use do not generally have long needles that do not usually hurt. However, if you are using needles of 1.5mm or longer, then it might hurt, and you might want to use a numbing cream before you begin the procedure. Longer needles can also cause bleeding, but it is all normal.

2. How often should you use an at-home microneedling pen?

Your micro needling session should not comprise more than one session in a day. If your treatment is mild, you can repeat it after every 2-3 weeks, but you might want to wait for 4-6 weeks before you can begin another session if your treatment is severe. It is also best for people with highly sensitive skin to undergo the procedure after a 4-6 week wait time.

3. Does it work for all skin types?

Yes, it works for all skin types. This is because it is not laser treatment or LED light therapy and does not involve harsh chemicals or procedures. It does not also damage the skin barrier and the epidermis layer of the skin. This makes it safe to be used by every skin type and on all sorts of problems.

4. Is peeling of the skin after using okay?

Yes, it is normal for the skin to peel after a microneedling session. This is because the needling of the skin causes several punctures in the face. The old skin is shed, and new skin starts to appear. This is why you feel that your skin is peeling. It is the dead skin falling off and usually subsides within a few days.

5. How long does it take to see results from micro-needling?

Microneedling is not an overnight process, and you need to be patient to see the results. In some patients, the results are almost immediate, while for others, it takes some time. It all depends on how quickly your skin responds to the body’s natural healing process and how soon collagen works in your skin.

6. How long does it last?

The time frame for the exact effects of a microneedling treatment depends on your age, skin issues, skin type, and how well your skin responds to the treatment. However, one round of treatment’s initial effects lasts on an average of about 4-6 weeks in most people. However, the effects are not permanent, so you need to be consistent with following this treatment. The results are generally long-term, and you can start to notice them within a week.

7. Skin pen vs. Dermapen

Skin Pen has numerous small needles that puncture holes in the skin. This causes minor skin injuries, which allow the skin to respond to it and stimulate the body’s natural healing process, thereby boosting collagen production.

Dermapen works in the same manner. However, many have noticed great results with dermapen. The needles are surgical and sterilized and can be disposed of after use. It has 12 needles for faster oscillation and can easily glide onto the skin. The needles are also adjustable, which allows you to get customized treatment. Dermapen also gives more consistent results than Skin Pen.

8. Dermapen vs Derma roller

Both Dermapen and rollers are microneedling devices and work by creating minimal injuries on the skin’s epidermis so that the skin responds to healing. Both work by boosting collagen production in the skin. However, there are some differences.

Dermapen can often reach the areas where rollers are hard to use. You cannot safely treat the area around the eyes, nose, and mouth with derma rollers as they can be quite harsh or abrasive. But the professional model quickly targets those areas.

Dermapen provides customized treatment as it can reach several depths, which is impossible with derma rollers. It penetrates the skin vertically, which causes less epidermal damage, while rollers penetrate the skin at an angle, creating more chances of damage. Dermapen also provides more precise results than derma rollers.

9. How much does a Dermapen cost on average?

The cost of a good quality microneedling Dermapen can be anywhere from between $100-$250 on average.

10. What should you put on your face after the treatment?

As a rule of thumb, use mild products that aren’t harsh on the skin. Here’s a guide on the products you should use after microneedling treatment.

11. Microneedling vs. Botox

While both are popular choices for those looking for anti-aging treatments to improve skin, it depends on what you are looking forward to achieving.

Botox involves injections and fillers to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles that do not directly treat the skin’s surface. In contrast, microneedling punctures the skin to stimulate new cells’ growth, even in those hard-to-reach areas.

While both are safe choices, microneedling treats skin on a deeper level. It’s always best to consult an esthetician when deciding your ideal treatment.

Final Word

With time, scars can fade on their own. However, some scars are quite nasty and can get permanent if you don’t treat them.

Wrinkles, fine lines, and other anti-aging issues are inevitable. They will come with age, but you can delay the process. Most anti-aging serums do not produce the necessary effects, and this is why this minimally invasive procedure is helpful.

Microneedling is an excellent option to try once you have weighed all others. As per the reviews, we provided some of the best devices for home and professional use for estheticians.

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Last update on 2022-12-05 / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

16 thoughts on “10 Best Microneedling Pens + Buying Guide”

  1. Hi, I’m looking for a microneedling pen which is easy on pocket and provides different types of cartridges in one pack. Can you suggest me something?

  2. I’ve had hair loss issues since I was a teenager and have tried various topical treatments but nothing seems to work. I know microneedling can be painful but I’m making up my mind for it. What will be the best dermapen you will recommend of these all specifically for hair loss?

    1. Hi, Janice!
      Good to know that you’re about to try this therapy. As far as hair loss is concerned, you can go for Dr. Pen Ultima N2 since it has worked for many suffering from hair loss issues.

    1. Hi, Sasha
      I hope you’re well and good. It is the latest microneedling pen from Dr. Pen. Though it comes with 2 needles, it’s solidly built and easy to use. It has thinner needles so I’ll recommend it for the face and neck only. The only issue right now is, the needles are not so easily available but I’m sure they will fix it since it’s a new launch.

      Know more about it here:

  3. Mariam Khalil

    Hey! Thanks for sharing such a well written and detailed post about dermapens. It’s so helpful and I’m going to recommend it to my friend who’s looking for DIYing her treatment.

  4. allison v fernandez

    Hi! Thank you for this article. I searching for the most effective dermapen for fine lines under my eyes as well as crow’s feet. I’m 47 and would also also like to improve overall elasticity and texture. There are just sooooo many pens to choose from. Which would you recommend for me as well as which serum? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!!!

    1. Hi Allison 🙂
      I would recommend Dr. Pen M8, especially for the face.
      Regarding the serum, you can use Argireline while microneedling. It works great on crow’s feet, smoker lines and creases caused by facial expressions. The ideal depth should be 0.3 for eyes wrinkles, 0.5 for forehead wrinkles, and 0.8 for smoker lines if you have any.

      Let me know if you have any other questions.

      1. allison v fernandez

        TY you soooo much for your time and recommendations. one additional question, I had my eyebrows microbladed years ago and the color faded to an awful color. I read one pen also helps with that too, is it the same one? How often can I dermapen and how long does it take to heal after I do it?

  5. I am looking for a pen that can improve signs of crepey skin on my neck and chest , pigmentation, large pores and first signs of loss of elasticity on my face. The A6 from Dr pen seems to be the right pick from what I’ve read here, but so does the m8. Do you have any insight here? Also would like to use it on the backs of my hands!!

    1. Hey Leana,
      In my opinion, if you want to target areas more than your face, Ultima A6 is a great choice. However, if it’s just for the face, the M8 is ideal.

  6. Leana N Bickers

    Thank you!! Definitely doing my chest neck and hands as well as the face. So I’ll try the A6!! I really appreciate all the good advice here.

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